Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What does represent for you Enterprise Information Map? | LinkedIn Group: MDM - Master Data Management

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Your approach perfectly makes sense.

Call it "Enterprise Data Architecture", call it "Enterprise Information Map" - it is indispensable to get ready for the future. In any medium and large organization, (almost) all operational units create, update, use and interpret data for the major part of their daily business duties (even where tangible goods are produced using machines, the latter ones are data-driven.) Consequently, medium and large organizations are first and foremost in "information business" (whereas the underlying data model may vary depending on the industry).

An Enterprise Information Map is therefore not only helping the CIO to develop a road map from a siloed to an integrated application landscape, but should primarily serve as a blueprint for the CEO (with "E" as in "Executive") to pursue the alignment of the operational business units with the "new reality" of being an information business. The CEO should assume leadership in this alignment process, nominate responsible parties and monitor progress and results closely.

In a nutshell, the alignment includes (but is not limited to) business (not IT!) activities such as:
  • Design the Master Data model as the core piece of the Enterprise Information Map
  • Assign ownership of information entities to business units 
  • Identify "central" information entities without "natural" owner (such as master entities Party and Location as well as reference data) to a (new) central unit responsible to conceive mechanisms for management and governance of "central" information entities and to license the above mechanisms for reuse in decentral business units
  • Nominate data stewards in decentral business units that are responsible to reuse central mechanisms and, based on entity ownership, to conceive decentral measures for data governance
  • Reorganize business processes based on the above mechanisms as well as to integrate data governance measures
  • Restructure existing business units to support the reorganized processes
  • Train managers and staff how to support the "new" culture.

The above is only a primer to answer your initial question within the given limitations of this medium. Therefore, please feel free to follow up or contact me directly.

I'd like to emphasize here, though, the importance of the CEO's commitment to make sure that the investment into an Enterprise Information Map pays off and will not only remain a sandbox game.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bank of England doesn't need a Chief Digital Officer, claims CIO | Article in Computerworld UK on November 12, 2013

"Bank of England doesn't need a Chief Digital Officer, claims CIO"

My comment 

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Corporate Data Model – Holy Grail? Doomed to Fail? Hype? | LinkedIn Group: DAMA International

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My comment 

Without Corporate Data Model, any organization will end up in a siloed application landscape with all the known issues when trying to get some insight from 'cross-border' attempts such as analytics / business intelligence that are indispensable for optimal decisions as well as to differentiate from the competition.

The way Corporate Data Models (or Enterprise Data Models) have been tackled in the past, i.e. to cover the whole organization in one project, is doomed to fail: Such a project takes too long, binds too many resources, does not promise any value before finished, and, whenever ending, the resulting model will not reflect the business reality anymore.

Instead, I recommend to limit the 'Corporate Data Model' to the intersection of the business areas, i.e. in a first step to model only those objects that are shared by all parts of the organization including their major connectors to the different areas.

Interestingly, those objects include the Master Data Entities (Party, Product / Service, Location), connectors include the roles that these entities take (such as Customer, Supplier, Employee, Invoice Address, Delivery Address etc.). The adjacent business areas can be modeled later, as priorities of reorganizing them come up and related projects can economically be justified.

This approach 
  • Lays a solid foundation to the Enterprise Data Architecture,
  • Serves as the core piece for Master Data Management, Data Quality and Data Governance,
  • Creates the frame (primary dimensions) for a virtual or real data warehouse (as it gives answers regarding the Who (Party), Where (Location), What (Product/Service) and When (versioning / timestamps)).

My follow-up comment (Nov 10, 2013)

To foster cohesion and reuse of the model and its components (and, more importantly, nourish "common" sense among the heads of the business areas led by a committed CEO), the "Common" Corporate Data Model must include all major entities and connectors that define the business as a "Corporation". (Example from insurance industry: Though not being Master Entities, "Policy" and "Claim" are "Common" Corporate Entities.)

The "All-including" Corporate Data Model will evolve over time - by integrating business area model after business area model with the "Common" Corporate Data Model (whereas adjustments of the latter one ought to be the rare case, but cannot be avoided.)